When you build a custom home, the goal is to hire a builder with whom you can work closely to create a home that is suited to your lifestyle. Some homeowners wonder, “Should you hire an independent building inspector?” There is nothing inherently right or wrong with this decision except that if you are hiring a competent builder with a great reputation, whom you trust, you should not need to incur the cost of an independent building inspector. Keep in mind that most jurisdictions also require regular inspections, throughout the construction process. Let’s look at both sides of this coin.
On one hand, if the homeowner is concerned with the builder’s capabilities, you could certainly understand why hiring an independent building inspector makes sense. But we would first ask why you would want to hire a builder you don’t trust or feel is capable?
If your motivation for hiring a building inspector is driven out of concern about the
builder and/or his practices, you should probably be questioning your builder selection, not hiring a building inspector.
On the other hand, let’s assume that you are confident in the builder, but want to hire an independent building inspector just to ensure that all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. We have worked with homeowners that live out of the area and want to have someone watch over the process, on their behalf. If this is what makes you completely comfortable with the entire building process – the decision and expense are yours, so it’s completely up to you!
Regardless of the reason, it is important to ensure that your intent is clear with both the builder and the inspector so that the overall process and the builder/inspector relationship is not adversarial. There is no benefit to hiring an inspector who feels the need to justify his fee and interferes with the construction process, complicates the communication process, or provides unwarranted criticism. Everyone should be working together, throughout the construction process, to create a beautiful quality home within the time frames and budgets provided. That is the ultimate goal.
If you choose to hire a building inspector, have a team meeting with all parties, upfront, before the process begins. Outline the goals and oversight you require so that everyone is on the same page. In this way, the builder and inspector can build a good working relationship that provides you the level of comfort you desire.
If you are thinking about building your once-in-a-lifetime custom luxury home, be sure to download our FREE ebook: “Designing & Building Your Custom Dream Home: How to Create an Experience You’ll Love to Remember.” Ready to get started? Contact Mueller Homes today, and let’s talk!
The post Should You Hire an Independent Building Inspector? appeared first on Luxury Custom Home Builder in Maryland.